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Primary Education

On the Primary Education stage, which is more academic in nature than the Pre-school stage, we work with the objectives and content of the different subjects on the school curriculum, but never forgetting the essential values which are essential for a good personal development. At Agora International School we use a methodology adapted to the different learning processes, especially with those students who need more attention in order to achieve good academic results and personal growth.

This stage of the curriculum is based on:

  • The integral development of the students, favouring their independence and taking responsibility for their own learning.
  • Favouring personalised tutorial action with the double objective of creating a safe environment for the student and maintaining fluid communication with the family through different channels.
  • To develop work strategies and use resolution tools to deal with common situations in the classroom and in their daily lives.
  • Promote and provoke real situations for the use of languages such as English and Spanish or the vehicular language in each region, as well as those that complete the linguistic project of each centre such as Mandarin Chinese, French or German...
  • Encourage creativity through science and the arts, developing projects thanks to work with LEGO® Education SPIKE™ Prime or the possibility of learning to play instruments and even develop different painting styles.
  • Stimulate the practice of physical exercise to improve motor skills and teamwork. 

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