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Secondary Education

Throughout Secondary Education, pupils at Agora International School improve their skills as creative, critical and reflective thinkers. 

We work on teaching in separate subjects but always encouraging the connection between different curricular areas so that our pupils become discerning individuals with a broad vision of everything around them. Lessons focus on global, real-life issues and concerns and encourage the development of communication skills, understanding and a sense of social responsibility. The secondary curriculum aims to develop competent individuals with the necessary tools to understand the world and to be able to actively and critically contribute to our society. To achieve this, we encourage dialogue and communication through a methodology that works on study habits and techniques, favouring perseverance, tenacity and discipline. This participative methodology allows students to develop critical and constructive thinking, helping them to have self-control and self-discipline and to achieve an experience of success in their work.

This stage of the curriculum is based on:

  • Dialogue and communication.
  • Multilingualism is one of the basic aspects of the project at this stage, assigning each subject a language.
  • Participation in programmes and experiences that promote cultural exchange.
  • Continuous and individualised tutorial action is part of the day-to-day life of Secondary Education students, guiding them and their families in the choice of pathways which, in the following year, will open the doors to the different modalities of the Baccalaureate.

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